A free space and community for overwhelmed empaths and highly sensitives. Come and join us in transforming, setting healthy boundaries, creating true connection to yourself and stepping into your divine brilliance
A free space and community for overwhelmed empaths and highly sensitives.
Come and join us in transforming, setting healthy boundaries, creating true connection to yourself and stepping into your divine brilliance
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I was already on my spiritual journey when I found out, that I was an empath. Back then, there was not much information about “that” kind of highly sensitives. So I embarked on my own journey of discovery to learn everything there is about energy.
Today I help overwhelmed empaths release old paradigms, beliefs and energies, embrace their gift, recognize themselves and their desires in the midst of all the energy surrounding them, become sure of who they are, what they want and discover their unique divine brilliance.
My influence comes mainly from shamanism, different kinds of energy work, mindset work and different interpretations of the Hawaiian philosophy, but also from many other inspiring teachers that crossed my path.
Being mixed race by DNA and biography, I practice a universal and intuitive spirituality, and create a safe space, where my clients are able to find their own kind of spirituality, that will help them stand in their divine brilliance with their gift and create miracles and magic in their lives.
This makes my coaching methods unique:
I love and live lightness and harmony, and live a universal spirituality.
Therefore, my methods and techniques are very easy to integrate into everyday life.
But I also create a safe space in which empaths can find back to themselves, get more clarity and inner peace.
I help you create magic in your life, recognize your own strength and become the empowered empath, that I know is inside of you.
Every empath and highly sensitive has struggles with their gift. I myself used to be at a turning point in my life, where I asked myself what this suffering, pain, and exhaustion was for.
I want to help you change that in your life, by helping you create your very own intention for your gift.
Take 10 minutes of your time, for yourself to find out where you are at the moment, get clarity about yourself and visualize where you wish to go with your gift.