
Become a self-empowered
and stand in your divine brilliance!

Are you tired of letting other peoples energies dictate your life?
Are your ready to create a life filled with ease and clarity about who your are?
Are you ready to step into your divine brilliance?



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And learn how to become energetically, financially and emotional self-empowered?
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Let me introduce myself

I was already on my spiritual journey when I found out, that I was an empath. Back then, there was not much information about “that” kind of highly sensitives. So I embarked on my own journey of discovery to learn everything there is about energy. 

Today I help overwhelmed empaths release old paradigms, beliefs and energies, embrace their gift, recognize themselves and their desires in the midst of all the energy surrounding them, become sure of who they are, what they want and discover their unique divine brilliance.

My influence comes mainly from shamanism, different kinds of energy work, mindset work and different interpretations of the Hawaiian philosophy, but also from many other inspiring teachers that crossed my path. 

Being mixed race by DNA and biography, I practice a universal and intuitive spirituality, and create a safe space, where my clients are able to find their own kind of spirituality, that will help them stand in their divine brilliance with their gift and create miracles and magic in their lives.


This makes my coaching methods unique:


I love and live lightness and harmony, and live a universal spirituality.

Therefore, my methods and techniques are very easy to integrate into everyday life.

But I also create a safe space in which empaths can find back to themselves, get more clarity and inner peace.

I help you create magic in your life, recognize your own strength and become the empowered empath, that I know is inside of you.

wanna learn more about me?

check out these interviews, where I was invited to speak


What you get from working with me

holding space

As an empath myself, I love holding space for empaths and HSP, to feel safe and seen. To be able to be and feel themselves, and come home to who they truly are. So, when they are ready, they can step into their true strength and power.

The projector (from human design) in me, has the calling to inspire others. The knowledge and learnings from all the years, since I discovered I am an empath, and the spirit guides that walk with me, help me do so wherever I am allowed to.
To be able to grow and to become an empowered empath, transformation is essential. I have made it my goal to transform as many fears, old patterns, and unwanted energies as possible. In my own energy system, as well as from others.
Our thoughts, our emotions, our whole energetic being vibrates, and the universe matches that up. That gives us the amazing power to create magic in our lives, if we open ourselves up to it. I love creating magical moments in my life, and showing others how to do the same.
finding resources
There is an abundance of energy in our universe, and each of us have a direct link to it. Some of us only forgot. I love helping empaths and HSP remember how to tap into it, by finding the right resources and tools, that are very individual to all of us.
I love life, celebrating it as often as I can. Celebrating the fun and beautiful energies as well as the sad and painful ones. Because they mean that there is a transformation happening, that will mean more ease and empowerment.
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become an empowered empath
and stand in your divine brilliance

"You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf"
-Jon Kabat-Zinn

create clarity and intention

Every empath and highly sensitive has struggles with their gift. I myself used to be at a turning point in my life, where I asked myself what this suffering, pain, and exhaustion was for.

I want to help you change that in your life, by helping you create your very own intention for your gift.

Take 10 minutes of your time, for yourself to find out where you are at the moment, get clarity about yourself and visualize where you wish to go with your gift.

work with me

As an empath and projector, my gift is at it´s best in 1:1 work.
I offer different packages of trainee and coaching programs, depending on your needs. 
Book a free energy session with me, and let´s see if we are a fit, and how I can support you best.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.